GEME Reviews - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good

Direct feedback from our customers in our daily customer support emails. We treat customer support seriously and such warm words keep us moving forward!
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures next-16-heather.png
" Less waste, more fruits! "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 1-robert.png
" Robert and his family love GEME "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 2-satoko.png
" Satoko is one of our Kickstarter backers, he like play with new gadget "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 9-canada.png
" Dinner food waste disappear over night "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 3-michale.png
" Customer Michale get a problem, we fix it. "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 11-louis.png
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 4-brian-m.png
" Less waste, more trees! "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 6-elilyn.png
" Performs magic for dog poops too! "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 7-paul.png
" Customer wanna to recommend GEME to NASA habitat plan "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 8-ethel.png
" Change kitchen habits "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 5-greer.png
" Amazing super quickly breakdown speed! "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 10-justin.png
" One GEME beats 2 Reencle "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures 12-willi.png
" Order one more! "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures next-13-james.png
" Very fast "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures next-14-lynn.png
" Fast "
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures next-15-mark.png
" Outstanding customer service "

The Bad

Well, bad reviews happen sometimes, there is no excuse, we will keep improving as we always did.
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures The Bad, Qr Code
" Failed to scan QR code to website manual page, we fix the issue already "
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GEME Composter Reviews Pictures The Bad Mold
" It is not mold, some filter material comes out and make the machine dirty during improperly shipping, so sorry! The machine is still functioning. "
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GEME Composter Reviews Pictures The Bad No power
" WILLIAM is from Egypt, he bought a 110v unit from US and power with 220v electricity, then burn out. We are so sorry for him. "
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GEME Composter Reviews Pictures The Bad Wtf
" This is not used one, but the Kobold Bad get leak during shipping. "
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The Ugly

Sometimes, people will just attack us for some reason or no reason.
GEME Composter Reviews Pictures Ugly
" Anna Meer, to her shame, was paid to write the review. She left same reviews to 3 different product at the same time. "
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GEME Composter Reviews Pictures Ugly
" It's unfair to review a product based on price without trying it. "
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GEME Composter Reviews Pictures Ugly
" Very serious attack from our hater. "
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