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Let's discover GEME Composter in less than 8 minutes.

Getting Started

Prepare tools

Scissor, 800mL water(0.2 gallon)


  1. Use Scissor to cut the rope.
  2. Pull the package out.

Install Kobold

  1. Open the initial Big Bag Kobold.
  2. Open the GEME Composter lids.
  3. Pour all the Kobold inside the container.

Pour Watter

Put 800mL clean water into the container.

Wait 6 to 24 hours

  1. Plug and power on.

  2. Kindly wait for few hours, to let the microbes inside the Kobold material get activated.

Start Daily Use

Now you can start using it just like any regular trash bin.

You might wonder what kind of food waste can put, what can not. Kindly refer to compostable food waste guide.

Happy GEMEing!

Learn More and Share Your Findings

Not that difficult, correct? So far it can be the world's easiest way for home composting.

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