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Can I Use Another Microbes for GEME Composter?

Don't do that.

Other Microbes are Unpredictable

GEME composter is designed for certain set of microbes, which is the GEME Kobold.

Using other microbes won't work in most cases, without carefully test and several rounds of tuning in lab. It is not recommend to use GEME Composter to test other species of microbiota.

Understand the Working Principle

Please understand that, the working principle of how it works is that. The microbes are the heroes. The machine is tuned to suit those kinds of microbes. All it does is to provide the best environment to let microbes work in the most effective way and get the best reproduction. We had developed several versions of the machines to make it work.

It's not like this, we build the machine then develop the microbiota. But we discovered the microbiota and then build the machine to match it.

Be a Happy End User, not Hacker

So back to the answer to other microbes, it's a very professional science subject. We did not suggest ordinary customers to use the machine to test it.

We understand that ownership and freedom for customers to explore, just like the jail break of an Apple device. but we won't be responsible for unexpected results if users use the GEME composter to test other microbes.


Warranty might not be covered for testing purpose to use GEME Composter with other microbes experiments.