Using the GEME Compost in the Garden—Hoping for a Thriving Garden in Six Months
As a compost enthusiast, I know that fresh compost hasn’t fully matured and shouldn’t be used directly on plants. However, I’ve always found it a bit of a hassle to let it fully age and cure, so I decided to try something a little different.
After using the composter for the past six months, I decided to take the compost and bury it in a small hole in my flower garden. I know it’s not the usual method, but I’m hoping that, over time, the compost will break down further in the soil and help my garden grow.
I’m curious to see how this experiment turns out—hopefully, in six months, my little garden will be thriving with the extra boost of compost! 🌿🌷
LovePnut11 days ago
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