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Prerequisites for successful composting

· 4 min read
Writer, Plant Lover, 3 kids Mother

composting food waste

Composting is a biological process. In order to initiate and accelerate the process of composting, it is necessary to improve the living environment of the microorganisms involved in the process of composting, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the specific needs of these microorganisms. The following factors are particularly important.


All microbial activity requires water. When water is lacking, many microorganisms go dormant, which slows down the decomposition process. Therefore, when making compost, it is important to ensure that the compost material is well hydrated.

If it does not rain for a long time and the amount of garden waste to be decomposed is large, then the compost pile needs to be hydrated to ensure that it is sufficiently moist.

During the process of making compost, heat production causes moisture to evaporate, so an active compost pile may need to be re-hydrated.

However, too much moisture (soaking) can also hinder aerobic activity. Excess moisture impedes aeration and compost pile cooling and therefore may lead to anaerobic digestion.

Therefore, the compost pile should be covered during very wet weather conditions, for example during rainy days. This is especially important when the compost pile has just been erected, when the composting has not yet been completed or when the compost container has not yet been filled.


Air contains the oxygen necessary for the respiration of aerobic microorganisms. Anaerobic microorganisms that do not need oxygen can multiply if the compost material is not adequately ventilated, for example in closed containers or concrete waste pits, if the material pile is too dense, or if there is moisture accumulation. These conditions cause the composting process to stop and anaerobic digestion to begin, followed by harmful and unpleasant side effects such as the release of odors (hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), ammonia (NH 3 )) and the production of climate-damaging gases, methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O).


To ensure good air circulation, the composting material should contain a sufficient amount of coarse-grained, well-structured material. In addition, containers with good air permeability and good drainage should be used. In order to allow air into the compost pile, the width of the pile should not exceed 2 m and the height should not exceed 1.5 m. Turning the pile not only improves the air permeability of the compost, but also allows a better mixing of the compost material.

Microbial performance is at an optimal level when optimum moisture and aeration are maintained, which will be reflected in the dramatic warming of the compost. Higher temperatures will also accelerate the decomposition process. To destroy pathogens and weed seeds, compost piles need to be maintained at 55-60°C for an extended period of time. Compared to the process of making compost in a professional composting plant, the process of making homemade compost in the garden usually does not reach such temperatures or does not maintain this temperature for the required time. Therefore, when making homemade compost in your own garden, you should not add diseased plant parts or seeds of harmful plants (such as weeds or invasive plants)

Nutrients (starting material)

The starting material should be as rich as possible and have an appropriate ratio of green waste to brown waste. It is the basis for ensuring the final nutrient content of the compost.


The easiest and most efficient way to compost - the GEME home composter


If you are using a GEME home composter, then you will be happy to see that there will be only one thing for you to do, and that is to just throw your bio-waste in whenever you want and harvest your organic compost after 6-8 hours. Because this is an intelligent, user-friendly device with a built-in sensor chip that will help you automatically adjust the temperature and moisture; the pre-blended GEME-Kobold microbial agent contains a tuning material that adjusts the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the initial material for you, you don't need to focus on the type and amount of waste you put in, or worry about odors, flies and rodents. It's as simple as that. Technology makes your life better!