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How often do I need to clean GEME?

There is no need. Remember, the machine is working in continuous mode. So if you keep using it, it will always get "dirty". It's totally different from the cooking base "composter", that kind of machine requires cleaning every time. GEME is always composting, so why bother cleaning it?

Micro Cleaning

You might want to reduce some of them out, when the compost is full. You just need to simple remove some of the out by using a scooper. You might wonder how often you should take out the compost out, kindly refer this document.

Total Cleaning

Only when you decide not to use it for a period. You can totally do a clean up.

  1. Use the scooper to dig the material out.
  2. Put the material into a bag and seal it.
  3. Use water and cloth to clean the inside tube.
  4. Use cleaner to make it looks good.
  5. Wait it dry and close the lids.